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What to Know About Mississippi Abortion Laws

The news regarding abortion laws around the U.S. are evolving daily. If you are pregnant and have any questions about the latest abortion law information in your state, please do not hesitate to call Adoptions With Love. We work with expectant mothers nationwide and can help you learn about the unplanned pregnancy options in your area.

There have been many states making headlines over the past few years due to significant and startling changes in their abortion laws. Mississippi is among the states that have experienced extreme changes to their abortion laws, which have been impacting expectant mothers facing an unplanned pregnancy. If you are pregnant and living in this state, you may be wondering what the changes to the Mississippi abortion laws will mean for you:

  • How will these possible changes affect your future?
  • What will you do about your pregnancy?
  • What are your options as an expectant mother?

It is important to know that, even though abortion care is becoming harder to access, you still have options. Read on, as we break down the recent changes to Mississippi abortion laws, and the many options still available for expectant/birth mothers.

The Changes to Mississippi Abortion Laws and What They Mean

As the Mississippi abortion laws stand now, abortion is completely illegal at any point in pregnancy. The only exceptions are if the life of the birth mother is at risk, or a case of rape is reported. This trigger ban went into effect July 7, 2022, shortly after Roe v. Wade was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. Lawmakers are also working to enact a law that would not allow future changes to the abortion laws in Mississippi.

The overhaul in abortion rights has left much uncertainty among patients and providers in Mississippi, leaving them wondering what their options are. If you are facing an unexpected pregnancy in Mississippi, it is important to know that you still have options.

Is Abortion Still an Option in Mississippi?

With the new abortion laws in Mississippi, what choices do women have regarding abortion? Two, primary choices remain available for expectant/birth mothers in the state: adoption and parenthood. However, abortion is still a possibility.

If birth mothers in Mississippi need an abortion, they can travel to another state for a safe, legal abortion. Traveling to another state for an abortion is costly, so there are organizations that can help:

Visit the websites above to learn about resources available for abortion support.

Mississippi Abortion Laws

In Mississippi, abortions are illegal at any point of pregnancy. The only exceptions are if there is a risk of life or physical health to the birth mother or if the fetus is not expected to survive pregnancy.

Adoption is an Option in Mississippi

Another option for women facing an unplanned pregnancy in Mississippi is adoption.

It is important to acknowledge that adoption is not an alternative to abortion. If you need an abortion, or that is the path you wish to pursue, you can get one safely and legally in another state. If you do not wish to have an abortion, but you know that you are not yet ready to parent, adoption can be a positive choice.

Making this choice can be difficult, but it can also bring peace of mind – knowing your child is going to be placed in a safe, stable, and loving home. It also gives birth parents the opportunity to work toward their own personal and professional goals.

Thanks to open adoption, many expectant/birth mothers know that their choice to lovingly place their child with adoption does not mean “goodbye forever.” In fact, it is just the beginning. With an open adoption plan, you can arrange to meet with your child’s adoptive family from time-to-time or receive phone calls or emails with updates. Open adoption is an option in Mississippi, as well, if you work with an open adoption agency.

Common Misconceptions Surrounding Adoption

Adoption has progressed over the past several years. It is no longer a secretive and taboo subject. Most children today who were adopted know about their adoption and understand their birth mothers’ choice. In fact, most adoptions today are open or semi-open, and 90 percent of children report having positive feelings about their circumstances. Adoptive families today are encouraged to speak openly with children about their adoption, share age-appropriate information, and celebrate their child’s unique story of being loved by two families, not just one.

The terms “give up for adoption” or “put up for adoption” are dated and no longer used in modern adoption. It is clear to the adoption community that adoption is anything but “giving up.” It is a brave, loving, and selfless choice to make in the best interest of your child. It allows your child to have a bright future, full of love and opportunity, even if you cannot be a parent.

Another common misconception surrounding adoption is the notion that open adoption means co-parenting your child. Having an open adoption means there is ongoing communication between birth and adoptive parents, but it does not mean that a birth parent has any parental rights to the child.

Pregnant in Mississippi? Find the Support You Deserve

At Adoptions With Love, we understand that navigating an unplanned pregnancy is hard. The ongoing changes to abortion laws in states like Mississippi are confusing and we know that it can be difficult to have a grasp of what your rights are as an expectant/birth parent.

No matter where you are in your pregnancy, it is important to remember that you have options, and you can get the support you deserve during this difficult time in your life. Adoptions With Love supports expectant/birth parents no matter what decision they make regarding their pregnancy. We offer guidance and assistance – free of judgment, criticism, or bias. If you wish, we can help you create an adoption plan in Mississippi. We can discuss your options with you and connect you with the resources and support you need to make this important decision for yourself and your child. We are here for you, no questions asked.

If you would like to learn more about adoption or your choices in this journey, do not hesitate to contact Adoptions with Love. We can discuss your options and will listen to you – and always free of charge.

Call us any time at 800-722-7731, text us confidentially at 617-777-0072, or contact us online. We can help guide you through the adoption journey every step of the way.